Nuevo participated at the evaluation of targeted deployment of non-antibiotic additives in commercial poultry farms on antibiotic consumption and biological performance....
Nuevo participated at the evaluation of targeted deployment of non-antibiotic additives in commercial poultry farms on antibiotic consumption and biological performance....
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity evaluation after nuPhoria supplementation on broilers using selected liver and gut function biomarkers....
The positive effects of nuPhoria supplementation in layers’ performance and egg traits...
Nuevo participated at the assessment and reduction of veterinary antibiotic residues in manure from pig and chicken farms....
Costs and Benefits of the improvement of biosecurity on pig and broiler Farms ...
Savvas Dimitriadis, Biotechnologist, Nuevo S.A, s.dimitriadis@nuevo-group.com
1+1 doesn’t always equal 2.
Research studies demonstrated that the efficacy of natural bioactive substances was multiplied to a greater extent than were administered individually.
Costs and Benefits of Innovations able to reduce the use of antimicrobials on pig and broiler farms, with the participation of Nuevo...
Nuevo participated at quantifying antibacterial residue levels in meat and on-farm drinking water in swine and broiler farms....
Heat stress causes several physiological adaptations, such as blood flow redirection, immune system stimulation and hormones secretion resulting in compromising growth. Climate change makes the challenge of heat stress more difficult to manage....
Nuevo participated at the creation and implementation of a BiosEcurity Assessment Tool (BEAT) for identifying broiler farm biosecurity level. ...