Welcome to

NUEVO S.A. is an innovative and dynamic company in the Animal Nutrition sector, specialising in the production of feed additives and premixes. Our headquarters and production facilities are located at the industrial area of Athens, in Schimatari, with additional production facilities and offices in Evia, Greece and in Cavan, Ireland.


NUEVO has expanded its reach beyond Greece and Ireland. We serve a diverse array of markets and respond to the unique needs of clients across different regions, enhancing our global impact in the animal nutrition industry.

Our Mission

At Nuevo, we are committed to leveraging innovative technologies and environmentally friendly practices to create nutritious, ethical, and high-quality feed solutions. By prioritis-ing sustainability, animal welfare, and feed safety and security, we contribute to a healthi-er planet and a brighter future for generations to come.

Work with us

NUEVO operates worldwide. We assess our customers’ needs and special requirements, including specific country regulations, legislation, labelling, and packaging. We ensure our products comply with these requirements and provide the necessary documentation.

Our Vision

At Nuevo we strive to continually innovate and improve standards and performance throughout the quality animal nutrition and production supply chain and to deliver added value and increased efficiencies through all our products, services and solutions in harmo-ny with the environment and natural resources.

A Brighter

We think ahead


Natural power

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Waste of energy

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High level

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New solutions

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Our latest project N1

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Our latest project N2

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Our latest project N3

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Wind Power Installation

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Solar Panels Installation

Nulla placervitae mauris varius aliquam libero ante.

Natural power installation

Aliquam libero ante, conseetur turpis sit ametcue.

High level of service

We think ahead

Wind Energy

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Solar Energy

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Energy Saving

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Renewable Energy

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Green technology

Aliquam libero ante, conseetur turpis sit ametcue usndisse.

new solutions

Congue uspendisse porta biben scelerisque.

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